Winner for a contest with the prompt, Growing Up
Wrote this a year ago to the new generation of execs when I left the writing club
What movies that are actually worth the time
Winner for a contest with the prompt, Fall
Winner for a contest with the prompt, Love
A tale for the season
also commonly called egg cake
Possibly the best dessert ever
Easiest soup in the west
A story of money, life, and rats
Tastier than you remember
Top 10 Ways to Loose your Techno Addiction!
Very legit academic book review
Is it a bread or is it a cake?
There's nothing to it
Because my local korean resturant has closed from the pandemic
Ten quick tricks to eliminate your phone addiction!
A biographical story of my life working in an office
I took a journey, to find the the ultimate snack
Yes the picture sucks. I accidentally ate all of it before I snapped it.
What Happened and What's Going on
A cyberpunk story.
A gluten free bread to make for your gf
The one and only
Dedicated to all the fellow student writers that I copied from.
Dedicated to all the squirrels that live in my wall
Dedicated to that lonely spider that I once saw two years ago in my stairway
One day I'll buy my own AC but today is not that day.
How I think you're supposed to register a business in Ontario
48hr contest story with the prompt, Mask.
A new years story.
Submitted for a contest with the prompt, Bad Advice
Winner for a Halloween contest back in the day
Winner of a 48 hour Novella Contest. Prompt was Suitcase.